Maria Lianou posted

Έκθεση/Exhibition: Fischli & Weiss, Flowers & Questions. A Retrospective,Tate Modern, London,11 October 2006 – 14 January 2007
Room 10


(Peter Fischli, David Weiss ,Untitled (Tate),Acrylic paint on polyurethane 
foam and mixed media,Dimensions variable, ©

(Peter Fischli, David Weiss ,Untitled (Tate),Acrylic paint on polyurethane 
foam and mixed media,Dimensions variable, ©

(Peter Fischli, David Weiss ,Untitled (Tate),Acrylic paint on polyurethane 
foam and mixed media,Dimensions variable, ©

(Peter Fischli, David Weiss ,Untitled (Tate),Acrylic paint on polyurethane 
foam and mixed media,Dimensions variable, ©

[…] There is also a certain perversity in the artists’ decision to devote many hours and much skill to handcrafting imitations of mass-produced objects.
These detailed replicas bring to mind Marcel Duchamp’s ‘readymades’. Duchamp took pre-existing, mass-produced objects, such as a bicycle wheel and urinal, and presented them in a gallery context as works of art. However, while Duchamp’s objects were the real thing, that sense of authenticity is undermined in Fischli / Weiss’ sculpted simulations. Discussing the parallel, Fischli comments: ‘Duchamp’s objects could revert back to everyday life at any point in time. Our objects can’t do that; they’re only there to be contemplated. They’re all objects from the world of utility and function, but they’ve become utterly useless.’